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EDI Modules

EDI Mega

MEGA provides separate EDI modules which vary from different amount of number of cell pairs. The MPure™ module produces 16 to 18 MΩ·cm product water quality at very high recovery. These modules are designed to replace mixed bed ion exchange at flow rates from 0,8 to 135 m3/h (3,7 to 2000 GPM) and beyond.

The advanced MPure™ stacks continuously produce high-resistivity water with low silica levels. Stacks can be interconnected to provide high-flow blocks. The robust design prevents both internal and external leaks. Exhaustive factory testing of each stack guarantees you will receive the stack in optimal condition, ready to plug-in.

ATS Water Technology Co., Ltd is the official exclusive distributor in Vietnam for many big and reputable brands in the water treatment industry such as: LG NanoH2O, Pentair X-flow | Codeline | Aqualine, PWT, Piedmont, Danfoss, Aqsep, Antech, Amiad, MEGA, Aquaporin, ePore… with high-quality products for water treatment systems such as RO membranes and shells, UF, NF, FO membranes, disc filters | mesh filter, anti-scale chemical and membrane washing, specialized pipe shackles, metering and control pumps, EDI, conventional and high-flow Aqualine filters...